About PukkaPanel

PukkaPanel is a free web based service (SaaS to the cool kids) which helps you keep track of all your IT assets, online or offline, whether they be servers or cloud nodes, smartphones, printers, laptops, domains, ssl certificates, software licences or anything else of that nature. Since PukkaPanel is web based there's nothing you need to download, install or upgrade to use it (unless you are using the API also which is entirely optional) so all you need to do to start tracking your assets is signup and fill in a form!

Free to use!

PukkaPanel is a free web service so register today and give it a spin.

Like most people, we too like free stuff which is why this site design is based on a free Andreas Viklund template and uses some nifty free icons from iconza - check them out! Also our snazzy logo is built using GIMP which is also free!

PukkaPanel is currently in BETA which means the bugs are also FREE! (so please let us know if you find any)

Feel free to contact us any time or follow us on Twitter: @pukkapanel
